Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Valentine's collection 2014

The Valentine's Collection for Marie's Bakehouse is now available for ordering.

Chocolate chip heart shaped cookies, available in white, milk or dark chocolate, and covered in heart sugar sprinkles.
6 wrapped in a gift box, £5, one flavour choice for order.

 3 fudge hearts wrapped in a gift box £6.50.
Available in many different flavours including milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, milk choc and orange, white choc and lemon, milk choc with fruit and nut, dark choc and peppermint.......and many others besides.....one flavour choice per order.

 3 Tiffin hearts £6.50
Both available in a variety of flavours such as Malteser, Mint Aero, Orange Aero, Rolo, Smartie.....

or another one of your choice.
  Order consists of one flavour choice.

Tiffin hearts also available in a large size, same flavours available as before.
Gift wrapped for £13.

Large fudge hearts, flavours available as previously, gift wrapped for £13.

Large Brownie Heart- Crispy on the outside, dark and gooey on the inside.
My daughter's favourite thing that I bake!!
Gift wrapped for your Valentine! £12
and finally.....

Let me know if you would like to order! Last orders taken on Sunday 9th February.
Marie x

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Time to get organised.....

One of my many New Year's Resolutions is to get organised. Not that I'm a complete disaster zone when it comes to organisation, things do get done BUT I do tend to waste a lot of time 'faffing' (read 'largely wasting time on social media'). If faffing were a sport I'd probably win medals in it.

I need lists to function. Especially since I had children, my memory is not what it once was. And if I don't have lists to remind me what I should be doing, I just can't organise my time.

So that's where these KTWO products come in. They are going to help me get organised (here's hoping anyway).

I've previously had a file organiser bought for me by a lovey friend, and that has helped get me organised with my receipt filing for my business. And that, my friend, is a HUGE task. So I have high hopes for these!

Part of the plan is to build in time to blog more frequently. We'll all be the judge of whether that happens or not.

Any tips you'd like to share with me for getting organised? Any help gratefully received!

Marie x

